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The East Kent Backgammon Club Seasonal Tournament Details




Tournament Dates


Autumn - 19th October 2024




Use the form below to register. We will then contact you to arrange payment.


Start time 10:30am

Main rounds finish around 5:30pm

Finals finish around 9pm


Players must be checked in by 10:15am at the latest

Entry fee £25 (Increased to cover consolation prizes)

Registration fee £30 (Includes a meal & tea/coffee during the day)

Maximum of 48 Players - this has been recently increased by courtesy of the gold club

Entry fee and Registration fee to be paid upfront (see below details)

£1200 prize money (based on 48 players)

All entry fee's go into the prize money


Payouts: (Based on 48 players)

Winner Main: £600

Runner Up Main: £230

Semi Finalists Mains: £80 x 2

Winner Consolation: £150

Runner Up Consolation: £60




Swiss Tournament - 5 main rounds x 5pt 

The top 8 players go through to a knockout

1/4 final, Semi-final and a final. (5pt or longer matches time permitting)

Finalists & Semi-finalists receive a trophy


Consolation Knockout:

The next 16 players based on the mains results will go through to a 4 rounds x 3pts knockout   

Should any of the players decide not to enter, their place will be offered to the next highest player in the mains

Winner receives a trophy


All match results will be entered into the UKBGF Ratings.


Side Pools:

Side pools will be split 70/30 to the two players who progress furthest in the corresponding competition

Silver £10 - For players under 1600 on the UKBGF ratings

Gold £10 - All players can enter this pool

Platinum £20 - All players can enter this pool


Note: Should there not be 2 pools winners in the mains knockout, this will be deferred to the consolation knockout.

Should there not be a pools winner in the consolation knockout, this will be deferred to the mains results.



Optional £5 side pools (Whoever progresses furthest in the consolation wins)

Note: Pool fees to be paid once the consolation entrants have been decided


Group auction:

The players will be chosen at random into groups of players, the highest bidder for each group gets a chance to win all the money if the winner is within their group.



Canterbury Golf Club 

Scotland Hills

Littlebourne Road





We will be using the large recently extended room in the club house for the spring tournament.

There will be a choice of meals to choose from.  These are available on the application form.

Should the menu change then players will be contacted before the tournament.

Free parking.



Registration & Entry fee's to be paid upfront to secure a place. - 2 weeks in advance.

No refunds for no shows, although refunds will be paid if the tournament is cancelled.

Reserve players will be refunded if they don't get to play.

Refunds only to made for any cancelations before 72hrs before the event.

Payment details will be automatically sent upon completion of the entry form.

Contact me for bank details or PayPal (friends and family to be used otherwise you will have to pay the charge) - or you can pay me at our club nights.


Late Arrivals:

Any player arriving late without calling me may not be able to play once the tournament has started and will not be entitled to a refund.

If a player is not present and has not started the match 10 minutes after the starting time or after the end of the permitted break, one penalty point may be awarded. A further penalty point may be awarded for each subsequent 5 minute delay. When a player has been awarded penalty points corresponding to more than half of the length of the match, such player shall be deemed to have won the match.




Very Important:

I will need confirmation if you are attending ASAP.

Confirmation via using the below registration form only.

The tournament may be limited to a number of players so make sure you sign up quickly.

Any additional entries over these numbers means you will be held as a reserve player until the upper number is achieved.

Should the entries fees not be paid at least 2 weeks in advance and no response after communication, then the player will be removed from the entry list and the next reserve player will be offered their place. You will then be placed on the bottom of the reserve list if you decide to re-enter.

Any player who decides to leave before the mains have finished will forfeit their match as a 5:0 loss.


Usual club rules apply (as per UKBGF)


Legal moves only:

If an illegal move is noticed by either player before his opponent has made a valid roll or offered a valid double, it must be corrected.

Only the players, the Tournament Director and any official match monitors are required to point out an illegal move unless the players have clearly stated an intention to the contrary to observers including any match annotator.

An illegal move will stand once the opponent has made a valid roll or offered a valid double.

Clocks: clock preference

If either player wishes to use a clock, and one is available, the match is to be played on the clock. The use of clocks is encouraged.

The Tournament Director reserves the right to impose a clock on any match which is threatening to delay the tournament, either from the outset or part-way through.

Clock Settings: 2 min per point + 12 sec delay per move.  e.g. in an 5-point match, 10 min + 12 sec delay per move.

Players to supply their own clocks.



Precision dice should be used where available.

2 dice per person unless both players agree to use one set.

When using a clock then only one set to be used.


Premature Dice Rolls:

If a player rolls the dice before his opponent has finished his turn, the roll shall stand.


Any breach of the rules for starting times and breaks may result in penalty points.

If a player is not present and has not started the match five minutes after the starting time or after the end of the permitted break, one penalty point may be awarded.

A further penalty point may be awarded for each subsequent five-minute delay.

When a player has been awarded penalty points totaling more than half of the length of the match, such player shall be deemed to have won the match.


If any additional rulings are required then these will be handled by the Tournament Director(s) and selected experienced players at the tournament​.



Covid - Health & Safety:

Despite government rules being lifted, players will be welcome to still wear face masks or visors if they so desire.

I would strongly suggest that all players wash their hands or use sanitiser on a regular basis.


If anyone needs picking up from Canterbury train station please let me know and we can arrange it


Local accommodation:

The Evenhill, 62 The Hill, Littlebourne, Kent, CT3 1TA - (2.1 miles)

The Evenhill website


Holiday Inn Express Canterbury, A2 Upper Harbledown, Canterbury, CT2 9HX - (5 miles)

holiday-inn-express-canterbury website


The Victoria Hotel in Canterbury, 59 London Road, Canterbury, Kent CT2 8JY. Telephone: 01227 459333 - (2.6 miles)

The Victoria Hotel website


Canterbury Camping and Caravanning Club Site, Bekesbourne Lane, Kent, CT3 4AB. Tel: 01227 463216 – (walking distance)


Tournament Format v2.JPG
Canterbury Golf Club.jpg

The July tournament has been kindly sponsored by Richard Harris of Smarter Mortgages
Click their logo or link to see what deal they can find you for a mortgage or insurance

Application Form

Select which tournament you want to enter

SidePools *

Click Button to submit application

Your information has been entered and we will be in touch to provide payment details.

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